HSSC Part 2 12th Class Date Sheet 2021
Punjab Board Committee has announced the annual date sheet of HSSC part 2 (12th class). According to the Punjab Board Committee schedule HSSC part 2 (Grade 12) exams shall start on July 10, 2021, and will end on July 27, 2021.
Exams of HSSC part 2 (12th class) shall be taken only of elective subjects.
SSC part 2 (Grade 10) exams shall start on July 29, 2021, and will end on August 09, 2021.
HSSC part-1 (Grade 11) exams shall start from August 12, 2021, and will end on August 26, 2021.
SSC part-1 (Grade 09) exams shall start from August 28, 2021, and will end on September 08, 2021.
Punjab Boards
- The exams of English, Urdu, Islamiat, Pak Study, General Science, General Math (Arts group), Math (Science group), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science and Elements of Home Economics shall be taken into two groups. The group-1 and group-2 exams shall be taken in the morning and evening respectively. All exams of other subjects shall be taken according to the Date Sheet.
- The time duration of every paper shall be mentioned on each question paper.
- Exams of 1st group (Morning session) students shall start at 8:30 AM and the student’s entry in the examination hall will start at 8:00 AM.
- Exams of 2nd group (Evening session) students shall start at 1:30 PM and student’s entry in the examination hall will start at 1:00 PM (except Friday).
- On Friday, Exams of 2nd group (Evening session) students shall start at 2:30 PM, and student’s entry in the examination hall will start at 2:00 PM.
- Candidates will have to follow all SOP’s of COVID-19 issued by the government of Pakistan during the examination.
- No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall without a mask.
HSSC Part 2 Date Sheet 2021
FSc/ICS Part 2
10-07-2021 Saturday Stats
12-07-2021 Monday Chemistry
13-07-2021 Tuesday Com. Sci
16-07-2021 Friday Physics
27-07-2021 Tuesday Math/ Bio
ICOM Part 2
10-07-2021 Saturday B. Stats
13-07-2021 Tuesday Geography
14-07-2021 Wednesday Banking
17-07-2021 Saturday Accounting